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let's explore your future career path

bringing psychology into your career choice

Choosing a career path can be daunting. What do you *actually* want to do the rest of your life? YIKES - that's a big question. While times are changing and our careers and skills can be more fluid and transferrable than ever, understanding what you have an interest in and what's actually available as a career path is a great step to feeling supported in your career choice. 

what is the

Nestled in the Myers-Briggs Company, the Strong Interest Inventory assessment provides robust insight into your interests. It's more than a "one-result assessment" and instead, gives us information to consider potential careers, educational paths, and the world of work.

After your assessment, we will work together to review the report and talk about your working style to develop a plan to take the next step in your career journey. It’s time to own your strengths and choose a career that feels like the right next step.

strong interest inventory?

The Strong Interest Inventory assessment if $595. This includes access to the assessment, two hours of counseling to review the report, and a professional interpretation of your report.

From there, you can take those results and insights with you, or continue therapeutic services to process next steps in your career and life.

the strong interest inventory

what to expect

what to expect

the strong interest inventory

I offer the Strong Interest Inventory to:
  • High school Juniors and Seniors
  • College students
  • Anyone over high school age, whether or not they have taken college courses, deciding their next career (even if you've had a few already!)
  • Athletes who are working on their "back up plan"
  • College athletes who don't know what to study while they play
  • Any level, recreational through elite athlete who is coming to the end of their playing days and need to decide what to do next.  

Who is able to take the strong assessment through sage blackbird therapy?

When you book for the Strong, there are 3 parts.  

First, you'll receive a link to take the Strong via

Then, once I receive your raw report from them, I'll write up a formal report that you'll receive. This takes 1 1/2 -2 weeks depending on how busy the rest of my week is (we will discuss this when scheduling). Because of this, please plan 2 hours to take the assessment within 72 hours of receiving the link. If I have not received your results within 75 hours of sending you the link, we will likely need to reschedule your interpretation meeting(s).

The third part of the process is the interpretation meeting, when we'll discuss your results. In either 2 one-hour sessions, or 1 two-hour session. In this meeting(s), we'll go over the different areas of the assessment, what you think of the career options suggested, and collaborate to develop 'next steps' in your career development journey.  

What should I expect?

Because the Strong Interest Inventory is a career assessment, not a clinical assessment, insurance will not cover the Strong, including out of network reimbursement.  

Will insurance cover the Strong? 

questions & answers

strong interest inventory

Eating Disorder, Disordered Eating, Body Image Distress, Trauma, Self-Harm, Athlete Mental Health, Career Transition, Other

Therapy for Me (Adult), Therapy for My Teen (Ages 12-18), Caregiver Skills for Mental Health Recovery, Career Assessment, Other

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